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Evil - Rites of Evil

Evil - Rites of Evil

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Evil - Rites of Evil

Japanese Blackened Thrash Metal!


1. 除夜 Nightmare Bells (Joya) 
2. 呪縛 The Curse (Jubaku) 
3. 串刺し Transfixion (Kushizashi) 
4. 八つ裂き刑 Yatsuzaki (Yatsuzakikei) 
5. 曼荼羅 Mandala (Mandara) 
6. 死に晒せ Give 'Em Hell (Shinisarase) 
7. 卒塔婆の剣 Sword of Stupa (Sotoba no tsurugi) 
8. 毘沙門天 Bishamonten (Bishamonten) 
9. 無間地獄 Eternal Hell (Mugenjigoku) 
10. 邪悪を讃えよ Rites of Evil (Jāku wo tataeyo)
11. 阿修羅 Asura (Asura)
12. 残虐集会 Brutal Mass (Zangyakushūkai)

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